Friday, August 7, 2020

OpenGL tutorials can do better than raw pointer math.

 If you've ever followed an OpenGL tutorial, you probably saw code like this:

  float verts[] = {
    // Position   TexCoords
    -X, -Y, Z,    0.0f, 1.0f,
     X, -Y, Z,    1.0f, 1.0f,
     X,  Y, Z,    1.0f, 0.0f,
    -X,  Y, Z,    0.0f, 0.0f

  GLuint vbo = glGenBuffer();
  glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
  glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(verts), verts, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

So far not... terrible. The verts array may contain additional color information or random other things, but it'll basically look like this. Later, we have to tell the graphics card to actually draw this data, informing our GLSL shaders how to read it:

  GLint vertex_pos_attrib = glGetUniformLocation("vertex_pos");
  glVertexAttribPointer(vertex_pos_attrib, 3, GL_FLOAT,
                        GL_FALSE, 5 * sizeof(float), (void*)0); // A
  GLint tex_coord_attrib = glGetUniformLocation("tex_coord");
  glVertexAttribPointer(tex_coord_attrib, 2, GL_FLOAT, 
                        GL_FALSE, 5 * sizeof(float), (void*)(3 * sizeof(float)));

and this is where these tutorials seem to be dropping the ball. The call I marked with A is sending information to the graphics card that the GLSL variable, vertex_pos, should be filled with two floats, or 3 elements of data, a stride of 5 * sizeof(float) bytes between vertices, and 0 bytes offset from the beginning of the vertices array buffer. The next call passes in nearly identical information, but 2 elements and 3 * sizeof(float) bytes from the beginning. The extra (void*) cast is just converting the argument to the expected type.

This code is brittle for just too many reasons.

  1. If vertex information is added or removed, all the pointer offset math has to change.
  2. The same goes for if the datatype changes, like from an int32 to int64.
  3. If one forgets the * sizeof(float) part, there could be trouble when moving to other data types as one might guess the size in bytes wrong.
  4. The math gets more complicated if types of varying sizes are used.

Just use a struct

  struct Vertex {
    GLfloat pos[3];
    GLfloat tex_coords[2];

  float verts[] = {
    // Position     TexCoords
    {{-X, -Y, Z},  {0.0f, 1.0f}},
    {{ X, -Y, Z},  {1.0f, 1.0f}},
    {{ X,  Y, Z},  {1.0f, 0.0f}},
    {{-X,  Y, Z},  {0.0f, 0.0f}}

Now our data is more organized. We can share information about the binary layout of our code with other parts of our program, write functions for generating  points, constructors, and all sorts of good stuff. We can even use other, less basic data types, in theory. My code uses glm::vec3s here, for example.

We need the corresponding glVertexAttribPointer calls to change a bit, too. I've seen a number of attempts at this, sometimes with the idea that one can take a member pointer and deference it at null in order to get the offset, then convert it back into a pointer. Or one could just use offsetof(). Finally, we can achieve something like this:

                      sizeof(Vertex::tex_coords) / sizeof(GLfloat), GL_FLOAT, 
                      (void*)offsetof(Vertex, tex_coords));

and we're pretty close to something approaching ideal. It's unfortunate that we have to know that Vertex::tex_coords is made up of GLfloats, though. It could be advisable to define a global, constexpr unsigned int D = 3, which is used both instead of hardcoding in the Vertex definition and here instead of sizeof(), but the gains are marginal since we still have to pass in GL_FLOAT as the next parameter

Still, to improve further...


This is the actual code I use:

struct GlTraits<GLfloat> {
  static constexpr auto glType = GL_FLOAT;

template<typename RealType, typename T, typename Mem>
inline void vertexAttribPointer(GLuint index, GLboolean normalized,
                                const Mem T::*mem) {
  // This is basically C's offsetof() macro generalized to member pointers.
  RealType* pointer = (RealType*)&(((T*)nullptr)->*mem);
  glVertexAttribPointer(index, sizeof(Mem) / sizeof(RealType),
                        GlTraits<RealType>::glType, normalized, sizeof(T),

Mem here is often going to be a glm::vec3 or something similar, T being my vertex class. Unfortunately, RealType needs to be passed in as an explicit type since neither Mem nor T suggest what the OpenGL type actually is. Theoretically, if this library knew what a glm::vec3 was, it could also deduce the real type from the parameter, or one could specialize GlTraits for it and include a typedef or using statement that gave the "real" type.

I use the function like this:

  vertexAttribPointer<float>(tex_coord_attrib, GL_FALSE, &Vertex::tex_coord);
  vertexAttribPointer<float>(vertex_pos_attrib, GL_FALSE, &Vertex::pos);



Many OpenGL tutorials are suited for younger, less experienced programmers and so--giving their authors some credit--writers may not want to confuse readers with language features their readers hadn't seen before, like offsetof(), but I think this does a disservice to beginners as these tutorials are also authoritative on how good, well-written OpenGL code looks. They may not want to go into the template madness that I enjoy, but even tutorials targeting C or C++ can be significantly improved just by using a data structure for vertex information. Beginners should be taught to write resilient programs that resists the urge to hardcode sizes, types, and offsets based on their specifications at the time of writing and instead rely on the compiler more.

Brittle code can punish beginners when they try to expand their knowledge as the slightest changes can cause their screen to stop rendering, or render odd artifacts and this can be difficult to debug. At worst, it will cause segfaults.


  1. "I think this does a disservice to beginners as these tutorials are also authoritative on how good, well-written OpenGL code looks."

    I very much agree!


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